Nepalese Journal of Statistics
About the journal
Nepalese Journal of Statistics (NJS) is a peer reviewed open access Journal published in English annually by Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur Kathmandu, Nepal. The copyright of the journal is reserved with the publisher.
The journal aims to publish high quality scholarly papers covering both theoretical as well as applied areas of Statistics in the form of original articles, review articles, short communication articles and comments. It welcomes all the professionals, researchers and all those interested to publish their research findings with significant contribution to Statistics or applied areas of Statistics. Authors are also encouraged to submit papers which are related to current national, regional or local issues of Nepal.
All the articles submitted for publication must go through peer review process before acceptance. Manuscripts submitted to this journal must not have been published or accepted for publication or submitted for publication elsewhere. The journal strongly opposes plagiarized contents. Each submitted article is subjected to plagiarism checking by iThenticate plagiarism checker software. Author (s) (Principal/Corresponding Author) needs to sign the Copyright Letter when submitting the paper with declaration of conflict of interest. Authors also need to declare regarding author contribution, funding, data availability and ethical statement.
The opinions expressed in the articles are the authors’ own and do not reflect the view of either the publisher or the Editorial Board. All manuscripts once published becomes the property of Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal. Authors can submit and publish articles free of charge. No article processing and publication fees are charged to authors.
NJS is indexed in NepJOL with two stars rating by Journal Publishing Practices and Standards. It is also indexed in Google Scholar, Index Copernicus International (ICI) World of Journal List, CAB Abstracts and Global Health.
Peer Review Process
Editorial Review
The review process starts with editorial review of the submitted articles. The main objective of the editorial review is to decide whether the submitted article is good enough to be forwarded for peer review or not. If corrections are required at this stage regarding overall writing of the paper and whether authors have followed the guidelines of the journal are checked. The main requirement at this stage is to check whether the submitted paper is suitable for publication in the journal or not and has substantial content that is required for publication in NJS. If a paper fails at this stage, the paper will be returned back to the author with notice. Editorial review is accomplished with at least three of the editorial board members.
Peer Review
Peer review is done with one or two reviewers (upon availability of reviewer) blinded about the authors name except in the case if an editorial board member is peer reviewer. Detail review of the paper is done at this stage covering every aspect of the paper except formatting. Peer review is sent to accomplished and prominent statisticians, professors or professionals working in government or other sectors. In the review, a reviewer needs to categorical state whether a paper is rejected, needs major/minor corrections for acceptance or accepted without any need for correction. Based upon the peer review report, the final decision about the paper is made by the editor-in-chief of the journal.
The entire review process is scheduled to be completed within about two months. However, this will depend upon the selection of the peer reviewer and the duration spent in peer review process.
Publication Frequency
The journal will be published annually.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Call for Volume 9 Articles
Nepalese Journal of Statistics (NJS) is a peer reviewed journal published in English annually by Central Department of Statistics, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. The journal aims to publish high quality scholarly papers covering both theoretical as well as applied areas of Statistics in the form of original articles, review articles, short communication articles and comments. Professionals, researchers and all those interested to publish their research findings with significant contribution to Statistics or applied areas of Statistics are cordially requested to submit their manuscripts to the journal. Authors are also encouraged to submit papers which are related to current national, regional or local issues of Nepal with substantial inputs in statistical methodologies and analysis. Authors are requested to go through ‘Instruction to Authors’ document for submitting papers. The document is downloadable from our official website:
Areas of Coverage
Probability and Inference | Econometrics | Multivariate Analysis |
Biostatistics | Stochastic Process | Environmetrics |
Demography and Population Studies | Operations Research | Statistical Modeling |
Statistical Quality Control and Reliability | Sampling | Bayesian Inference |
Design of Experiments | Time Series Analysis | Survival Analysis |
Business Statistics | Epidemiology | Industrial Statistics |
Environmental Health | Meta-analysis | Official Statistics |
Other areas of Statistics |
Manuscript submission should be forwarded via email to the following address.
Nepalese Journal of Statistics (NJS)
Tribhuvan University
Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone: 977-01-4331710
Shankar Prasad Khanal, PhD
Professor and Dean,
Institute of Science & Technology,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Mrigendra Lal Singh, PhD
Professor (Retired)
Ganga Shrestha, PhD
Professor (Retired) and Academician,
Nepal Academy of Science and Technology, Kathmandu, Nepal
Devendra Chhetry, PhD
Professor (Retired)
Azaya Bikram Sthapit, PhD
Professor (Former HoD of CDS),
Global College of Management,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Ram Chandra Singh, PhD
Professor (Retired)
Srijan Lal Shrestha, PhD
Central Department of Statistics,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Gauri Shrestha,
Professor & Head,
Central Department of Statistics,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Chandra Mani Paudel, PhD
Central Department of Statistics,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
Ram Prasad Khatiwada, PhD
Central Department of Statistics,
Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Nepal
V. Sreenivas, PhD
Department of Biostatistics,
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi, India
Timothy E. O’Brien, PhD
Department of Mathematics and Statistics,
Loyola University, Chicago, USA
Serge Provost, PhD
Department of Statistical and Actuarial Sciences,
University of Western Ontario, Canada
Bimal Sinha, PhD
Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), Baltimore, USA
Ganesh B. Malla, PhD
Associate Professor,
Department of Mathematics, Statistics, & Business Analytics,
University of Cincinnati – Clermont, Ohio, USA